Viewing: Inkraider // Epson // Inkjet Printer Cartridges // Epson Photo R265 Ink Cartridges
Epson Part Number: T080140 In Stock
Yield/Volume: 8ml
Epson Part Number: T080240 In Stock
Yield/Volume: 8ml
Epson Part Number: T080340 In Stock
Yield/Volume: 8ml
Epson Part Number: T080440 In Stock
Yield/Volume: 8ml
Epson Part Number: T080540 In Stock
Yield/Volume: 8ml
Epson Part Number: T080640 In Stock
Yield/Volume: 8ml
Epson Part Number: T080740 In Stock
Yield/Volume: 8ml* 6 Cartridges
Epson Photo R265 Ink Cartridges Compatible Replacement Cartridges
As with all original cartridges (like those shown above) from Inkraider, our compatible replacement cartridges are brand-new, unopened and were designed specifically for certain printer models. The single biggest difference between an original cartridge and a compatible replacement cartridge is the manufacturer. An original cartridge is manufactured by the same company who designed and built your printer (e.g. a Epson cartridge for a Epson printer), whereas compatible replacement cartridges are manufactured by companies that don't have their own range of printer models, and so manufacture cartridges for the printer models of other brands. Due mostly to consumer unfamiliarity, cartridges offered by these brands are often significantly cheaper than their original counterparts. In addition, compatible replacements can be mixed with original cartridges in your printer in any way you like, no matter how full the remaining original cartridges might be. Please note however, that using cartridges from a number of different manufacturers may result in a temporary degrading of your printer's output quality.
The Epson Stylus Photo R265 is presented at very economical prices which make it a tremendously affordable printer and ideal if you're in search of a good class inkjet printer. It comes with 6 Epson cartridges. The Epson R265 ink cartridges consist of the base colours of cyan, magenta black, and yellow and two additional colours of light magenta and light cyan. The addition of these further colours gives images an even and brighter look.
Reduces Cost by 6 Epson Cartridges:
6 detached ink cartridges, with cheap Epson R265 ink cartridges, for each colour means that you only need to substitute the colour you run out. At the same time, it has become quite usual, definitely for Epson, to include 4 cartridges the toting up of two new colours makes it even more reasonably priced to fill up ink when needed.
The Epson Photo R265 is above all a photo printer. With 6 diverse colour cartridges, together with the light magenta and light cyan cartridges, it is economical to run than your standard inkjet printer. It is, in addition, an attribute packed addition to any home or home office. It will print uniformly well on normal paper, photographic class paper, and yet directly onto DVD discs and CDs. suitability with different cameras also adds to the by and large appeal of the Epson R265 as a photo printer.